Hello there, I'm Christoph 👋

I'm a Full Stack Developer based in beautiful Munich, Germany

Picture of Christoph Suessmeier


I've always been deeply fascinated with technology and how it can empower people and companies. This led me to study Business Informatics, a combination of Computer Science and Business Administration.

As a naturally inquisitive person, I was also drawn to the intersection of IT and business, to Project Management and Product Owner positions. Successfully handling large projects spanning multiple countries was an interesting challenge, but while I stayed as hands-on as possible, I felt something was really missing...

At the start of 2023, it finally hit me: "Hands-on" wasn't enough. I wanted to return to my roots, to full-time software development. Creative problem-solving, continuous learning, and making something useful and maybe even delightful just tick all the right boxes for me.

I'm having a lot of fun really diving deep into JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Tailwind, Node.js, Express, SQL, and Git/GitHub. Yet there is so much more! The road ahead includes Svelte, Vue, Go, C#, and Rust, and with a true passion fueling me, it feels like an absolute breeze.

Interested in talking about frameworks, programming languages, or any topic related to music production, for example why a raw sawtooth wave is the best synthesizer sound ever? Let's connect and have a chat!


* Skills I am currently looking into or learning



Final project for WBS Coding School full-stack bootcamp.

An app that aims at making tracking your subscriptions as easy as possible, helping you decide which subscriptions to keep and which subscriptions to ditch.

Build in a small team, my responsibility was authorization with Clerk, frontend custom data hooks, some frontend components and all of the backend including database communication.


Advent of Code 2023

Advent of Code is a great way to dive deeper into programming: to learn, to practice, or just to have fun!

As I am currently really interessted in Go (Golang), I have decided to try AoC 2023 using Go primarily.

Note: The "Live Demo" link above will take you to the official Advent of Code 2023 page. My solutions to AoC 2023 can be found in the linked GitHub repository.



One of the last projects created during WBS Coding School bootcamp.

Simple recreation of the well-known and beloved Pokemon fights, allowing you to chose your Pokemon and an opponent and have a go at it.

Build in a small team, my responsibility was optimising the frontend, implementing the game-mechanics, backend and database.


Todo List with HTMX & Go

I wanted to learn a little bit more about Go and HTMX, so as one does, I build a small todo list app to check out how basic CRUD operations are done.

The list itself is being served by a Go server that hosts both static file serving and the API for HTMX to call.

Database is hosted on Turso, the app itself is hosted on Fly.io


Barely Awake

Small homepage for my personal "music project".

This was my first foray into Astro and some React, even before I took the Full Stack web development bootcamp.

As it is with many personal homepage projects, this one is woefully overdue for a content, design and technology update... 🙄



Feel free to drop me a message, or hit me up on LinkedIn at any time!